The So-Called Cricket Conspiracy. 

by Mike McMullen


Recently I had an interview with the CBC about the new cricket factory in London, Ontario.

The interview lasted about 30 min and was based on a Facebook post written on June 17, 2022

Even though it was written in the tweet the factory was producing crickets for human and pet consumption, Colin from the CBC tried to convince me it was all for pet food. Which I found strange considering human food was listed.

I then proceeded to inform the CBC, that eating bugs along with many other initiatives from the World Economic Forum are being rolled out in Canada under the noses of Canadians. I explained to the CBC reporter that many people feel, including myself that Canada is being steered by organizations like WEF and many Canadian policies seem to reflect WEF policies.

In this video, Klaus discusses how he has ‘penetrated’ cabinets which include the Canadian government. “The 4th industrial revolution”


Here are a few names that appear on their website and there are many more about how the World Economic Forum.


We discussed that Freeland is on the board of Trustees, which means obviously she has a role in pushing WEF policies, and how this is a massive conflict of interest and can go against Canada’s interests. You can’t serve two masters. You either serve Canadians or you serve the WEF.


The Canadian government gave in a grant of 8.5 million dollars to Aspire to produce human and pet food.


The WEF has been pushing the consumption of bugs, and coincidentally so are the WEF cronies in our government


Many people feel left out of the political process and their voices are not being heard. So I would enjoy furthering this conversation on this subject and finding out exactly what type of influence the WEF has on the Canadian government. In my opinion, they have a big influence, considering so many Canadian politicians belong to this organization, and how so many of its members in our government that are pushing the exact same agenda as the WEF.

Recently I talked to a woman who helped with the construction of a cricket factory and she was offered a cricket snack bar.

The CBC didn’t seem interested in facts, just the contrived conspiracy. The real conspiracy here is the CBC trying to hide and downplay the reality of what’s going on, and the government trying to insert bugs into people’s food without their knowledge, but then again they are on the government of Canada’s payroll.


So let’s break this down

  1. Crickets will be used for human consumption.  FACT
  2. Klaus Schwab said he penetrated the Canadian government. FACT
  3. The WEF is pushing a bug-eating agenda.  FACT
  4. 1/2 of the government of Canada from all political parties belong to the WEF.  FACT
  5. The Canadian Government has been infiltrated/penetrated by the WEF.  FACT
  6. Deputy PM Freeland is on the board of Trustees at the WEF and her role in this organization is the push the WEF Agenda, and she’s in a perfect position to push it on a national level.  FACT
  7. The government of Canada gave an 8.5 Million dollar grant to Aspire to make crickets for human consumption and pet consumption. FACT
  8. The CBC is on the government’s payroll and is paid to push the Liberal Agenda.  FACT


Mike McMullen

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